HEIDENHAIN CORP., Others Partner with HERMLE, USA, Inc. to Launch CONNECT Manufacturing Innovation Hub in Silicon Valley

Fremont, CA (April 11, 2024) - HERMLE, USA, a global innovator in 5-axis machining solutions partnered with HEIDENHAIN CORPORATION and other industry-leading manufacturing companies, to launch the “CONNECT” Manufacturing Innovation Hub in Fremont, CA. The 12,000 sf Silicon Valley facility will feature HERMLE’s C 250 with HS Flexible Automation.

Beyond comprehensive access to leading technology, the innovation hub will enable hands-on demonstration and training capabilities in a collaborative environment. The Silicon Valley’s first-of-its-kind machining demonstration lab will increase access to the world’s latest technologies and expand workforce development throughout the region.

“We want to help those in our industry experience the demands of the future with access to a highly curated lineup of machining technology,” said Gunther Schnitzer, CEO of HERMLE, USA. “The automated C 250 paired with HEIDENHAIN’s TNC7 is a game-changer that will push manufacturers to challenge the limits of their imagination.”

Students and professionals at technical schools, development centers, and universities on the West Coast will receive hands-on training, education and experience using the machines the future workforce demands. The CONNECT Manufacturing Innovation Hub highlights the advantages of cross-company collaboration and how it can elevate the speed and quality of education and innovation.

HERMLE, USA recently attended the ribbon cutting ceremony, celebrating the beginning of a long-term collaborative partnership with HEIDENDAIN and the other participating companies. The grand opening will take place later this year.


HERMLE USA, Inc. located in Franklin, WI, is the North American headquarters of Maschinenfabrik Berthold HERMLE AG located in Gosheim, Germany. Since 1987, the firm has provided North America’s leading manufacturers with the finest high-precision machines, automation solutions, applications assistance, customer training, and service. For more information visit hermleusa.net.


For more information

Udo Hipp        Marketing Director
Phone             +49 (0)7426 95-6238            
E-Mail             udo.hipp@hermle.de

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